Saturday, June 19, 2010

Elephants, Tigers, Monkey Galore

Guess what I did today?! I went to an elephant camp and played with elephants! I was able to feed them with bamboo and banannas. We watched them in a show. They painted pictures with their trunks! They sell the paintings for good money too. I also went on an elephant ride to the village of the long necks. The people that live there think the longer your neck... the more beautiful you are. So they put lot of necklaces on their neck and add more to their neck to stretch out their necks. I got to play with a baby monkey today and I had another monkey come up and give me a kiss on the cheek. The coolest thing I did though was I got to take pictures playing with tigers! I saw lots of tigers today. Big ones, little ones, and even baby ones. I have one picture with me laying on top of the tiger. Chaing Mai is beautiful!

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